George Hague Memorial Travel Award
The National Mole Day Foundation, NMDF was created with the intention to get everyone, especially students, enthused about chemistry. The NMDF supports many different avenues for instructors to generate enthusiasm among themselves and their students. The biennial ChemEd conference is an outstanding resource for teachers.
George Hague was a Board member of the NMDF and a strong supporter of Chemical Education. George passed away in the summer of 2002 and this travel award is established to financially support a young chemistry instructor in attending a ChemEd conference as a tribute to George Hague and all he meant to chemical education. A maximum of three grants may be awarded.
Purpose: To offer financial support for a newer Chemistry Instructor to attend the ChemEd conference the year of this award.
Award Amount: Not to exceed $750 U.S. funds
Deadline: Email by April 1, 2023 (To attend ChemEd2023)
Eligibility: Any Chemistry Instructor that is a member of the NMDF with 2-6 years of Chemistry teaching experience and has never attended a ChemEd conference by the application deadline.
Grant Guidelines:
The applicant must be a Chemistry teacher with 2-6 years of Chemistry experience. They must also be a member of the NMDF. The award winner can only win one grant.
All grant application materials must be completely filled out and submitted by the deadline.
The funds will not exceed $750. This money can be used to cover: Registration Fees; Lodging and Meals; Workshops; Travel.
Any costs in excess of the awarded $750 are the responsibility of the award winner.
The winner must attend the Mole Day Breakfast at the ChemEd conference.
The winner must also complete and submit a Final Summary after the ChemEd conference to the NMDF along with itemized receipts.
Grant awards will be provided in two portions. Up to one-half of the award will be paid directly to the ChemEd conference for Registration Fees, lodging, and the costs of the Mole Day Breakfast. The other half will be paid upon completion of the Final Summary and submission of any necessary receipts and attendance at the Mole Day Breakfast.
Submit by printing or electronically filling out the application and submit by mail:
Past Award Winners
2011 - Garrett Lim
2013 - Lee Jones, Alice Dutton, and Lindsay Kasuga
2015 - Michele Thomas
2019 - Elisabeth Knierim and Binh Nguyen